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If I Were A Word

If I were a Word
I’d want to be made love to
I’d want to be stroked and caressed

If I were a Word
I’d want to be thought about carefully
Not used in ignorance or mischief
But for wisdom and love

I’d want to be strong, fierce
Like a fire that ceases to burn

I’d want to leave them yearning for more

If I were a Word
I'd want to inspire and encourage
Last as an eternal thought
Having meaning and purpose

If I were a Word
I’d want to be understood
And Forever on the tongues of Poets

If I were a Word
I’d want to be scribed
As an hieroglyphic
On the ancient walls
Of time
As an emblem on the papyrus
Of consistency

If I were a Word
I’d want to be holy
And sacred
Like life given to a new born baby

The Light
The gateway
To everlasting life

If I were a Word
I’d be creation
And manifestation of all things living

I’d want to be like the permanent marker
That can not be erased, eradicated, nor removed
From the heart.

If I were a Word
I’d want wings like birds
and unicorns
So I could soar the universe
Into oblivion

If I were a Word
I’d be magnificent
All Powerful
All Resourceful

I’d be knowledge

I’d be birth
The Word of Life


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